Will the official app become the best twitter app for android? We hope so. But until that day, check out these amazing apps that aid your tweeting fingers. Note: All of these apps were tested on a Samsung Galaxy S3 smartphone running on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. They all performed well and there were no hiccups.
1. Twitter – Free
We just can’t start a list without giving a nudge towards the official app. The official Twitter app may not be the best twitter app for android but it is a serviceable one. The user interface and design seems to be picked straight from the social networking site. While this will be a plus point for many who value familiarity, we just don’t like the “browser” vibe the app gives. The fact that the app is restricting in various ways makes it a hard recommendation. But if you like secure and official apps, Twitter app for Android is the one for you. Features:
It’s officially official. The password and account details are secure. Big bold fonts and twitter feed blocks.
Notable Feature: If you favorite someone’s profile, you will receive a notification whenever they tweet. This feature is amazing if you have a cyber-crush on someone.
2. Plume – Free
Plume is a wonderful app and offers a lot of customizations. We have yet to see an app which gives so much leeway in terms of interface, layout and fonts. If you don’t like the default scheme, you can either try out the dark or light ones. What if the text is too small for your taste? Just change it to a bigger more eligible one in the settings. This app is made by the same guys who bought us Beautify Widgets, so naturally we were expecting high quality from Plume. Thankfully the best twitter app for android in customization category delivered. Features:
Multiple Twitter account support. Lockscreen widget for easy access. Facebook integration. Live streaming right in the app.
Notable Feature: Apart from amazing customization options, Plume features a scrollable widget. Place it on your home screen and access Twitter timeline right then and there.
The paid version of Plume simply removes the ads in your app. It goes for $4.99.
3. HootSuite – Free
Post a picture on Facebook and you will need to do so again on Twitter. Same goes for posting on Twitter and leaving Facebook friends in the dark. But with HootSuite you won’t have these social networking compartmentalization problems. Manage multiple Facebook and Twitter accounts right from this great single app. Post photos one time and they will be shared across all of your connected accounts automatically. Feature:
Manage multiple accounts including Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Schedule a post to Facebook or a Tweet to Twitter. Monitor your brand on Twitter or Facebook. Shorten links with Ow.ly.
Notable Feature: Not only you can post Tweets on Twitter and posts on Facebook, you can also post on LinkedIn and Foursquare. This app is just like the Swiss knife of social networks.
4. Tweedle for Twitter – Free
Tweedle is much closer to the official app when it comes to interface and look. But it adds stability and reliability. To be honest, there is nothing special about this app, but the fact that it loads up quickly and doesn’t miss notifications makes it a good one. The swipe based interface is quite easy to use. By default the timeline is loaded, you can swipe to check mentions and messages and that’s about it. Features:
Official like interface. Smooth operation. Reliable and fast.
Notable Feature: The average nature of the app combined with its reliability makes it one of the best ones out there. If you require a simple app which doesn’t tax your smartphone or drains a lot of battery, this is the best Twitter app for Android.
5. Twidere – Free
Twidere is simple breathtaking. The app has great customization options and can complement your interface well. Twidere is the best twitter app for Android for those who value smartphone interface customization. For example you can change the background transparency. This means that the app looks like and simple even while loading cluttered feeds. Customizable theme color allows for further personalization. While this may not be a big deal for many, it is a great feature for those who love color matching, it is heaven sent. Feature:
Dark, light and transparent themes. Customizable theme color. Dual pane layout for large screens of tablets. Built in image and map viewer. Filter unwanted tweets.
Notable Feature: Image preview is available which not only saves time but also network usage. It is a great feature for budget conscious Tweeters.
6. Followers+ – Free
Sometimes you just want to game in numbers. Who is following you and who is not doing so, you sometimes need to know. While this may seem like a not so practical way of gauging one’s fame, it is none the less quite effective. For those who value the numbers, Followers+ is the best Twitter app for Android. Simple log into your twitter account and manage followers easily. If you have a brand, celebrity or otherwise famous Twitter account, you will need Followers+ to keep track of everything. Features:
Retrieve lists of following and followers easily. Directly view who is following you. Follow/unfollow with one click.
Notable Feature: We often found ourselves wondering who unfollowed us on Twitter, with Follower+ you will have the answer in no time.
7. Tweet Lanes – Free
Tweet Lanes is another free app for Twitter which does everything better than the official one. Native Ice Cream Sandwich style may be out of date but is still is classy. The app is designed to adhere strictly to Android design guides making it a seamless experience. This is no halfhearted app either; it fully embraces what the Android platform has to offer and delivers great performance. Swipe controls are abundantly used and even the volume buttons can be used for one-handed navigation. Features:
Interact with multiple Tweets easily by multi-selection. Preview images and videos automatically. Context sensitive Tweet box is a great addition.
Notable Feature: The app works great with both tablets and smartphones. The spacious interface along with the magical Tweet Box makes the app almost futuristic.
8. Tweetcaster – Free
The best twitter app for android if you are not willing to spend a single dime, Tweetcaster is the first choice for many. From handling multiple twitter accounts to Facebook integration, this app has it all. You can post pictures and statuses to both Facebook and Twitter simultaneously, eliminating the chore-filled endeavor. Tweetcaster also filters the timeline to eliminate tweets which are spams. There is also a feature to “mute” annoying Tweeters without unfollowing them. We all have that one friend that tweets about everything. Features:
Sync between devices. Themes to change the mood. Photo effects to liven them up. Search party a new way to do searches. My Stats option to see how you are doing.
Notable Feature: The readability mode presents a mode specifically made for mobile viewing. It is handy feature when you forget the spectacles at home.
The paid version is $4.99 and lets you post to multiple accounts. You also receive cool photo effects and a zip it feature to get rid of annoying tweets or Facebook posts without following people.
9. Talon – $1.99
Talon is stylish and sleek and gets the job done well. You will be immersed with Twitter while using this fully loaded client. The app is designed in a very intuitive way which makes complete sense. If you feel that one particular feature would be better suited at another place, Talon would probably have it there. The beautiful, up to date layout makes Talon the best twitter app for Android if effectiveness is your jam. Features:
Extremely powerful developer theme engine is available. The Hangouts layout makes it more “Android”. Night mode and Auto refresh options.
Notable Feature: The actionable, dynamic and expandable notification system makes Talon a joy to use. Waiting for a particular Tweet to be posted? You can know precisely when that happens thanks to this highly alert system.
10. Robird – $1.99
Simple, straightforward and complete, these are the words which can be used to describe Robird. The great intuitive interface which is optimized for smartphones as well as tablets is a joy to use. Once you get Robird on your smartphone, it will be hard to look back. Simply the best twitter app for Android, Robird comes with a ton of features and yet it is easy to use. From push notifications to blazing fast timeline, all features are there to facilitate you. Features:
Multiple image upload supported. Streaming option for timeline is enabled. Background auto refresh. Auto sends tweets if it fails.
Notable Feature: Robird has the option of muting tweets based on hashtags and keywords. So there will be no more obscene or explicit tweets on your timeline.
The best twitter app for Android can’t be determined by only one factor. The multifaceted nature of Twitter makes it hard to give the cup to just one app. For example you may like posting pictures, for that the multi-upload feature of Robird will be perfect. Or you like to reply to a bunch of tweets at once, then Tweet lanes is the app for you. We highly recommend Talon if you have spare cash, otherwise TweetCaster is a great alternative. We also recommend that you keep the official app on your smartphone in case of emergency. So what app you are currently using? Are you satisfied by its performance or looking for a upgrade? Do sound off in the comments below or tweet to us about it.