But most importantly, it can help to keep valuable information about your customers. The data provided by your CRM can help you retain current customers and entice prospective ones to come back to shop with you. To help you better understand CRM, we have prepared a list of the 113 latest CRM stats, trends, and facts.

Key CRM Stats 2023

CRM Adoption Statistics

CRM Benefits & Features Statistics

CRM Benefits Statistics

CRM Features Statistics

ROI Benefits Experienced by Businesses Using CRM Systems

CRM Technology and Customer Experience Statistics

Social CRM Statistics

CRM Challenges Statistics

Mobile CRM Statistics

CRM Sales Statistics

Small Business CRM Statistics

CRM Systems Statistics

Salesforce Statistics

SAP Statistics

Companies need CRM more than ever to be profitable and successful. It is anticipated that through 2023 CRM technology will be the greatest expenditure in enterprise software. Using spreadsheets and manually entering data is starting to become obsolete. If you are still utilizing these methods, now is the right time for you to start directing your focus toward CRM. This will help you automate tasks that can significantly increase the performance of your employees.

Which CRM has the most users?

Currently, Salesforce is the most prominent CRM system globally, holding 19.5% of the total CRM market share. After Salesforce, the next biggest CRM systems are SAP and Oracle, holding around 4.8% of each of the total CRM market share.

How big is the CRM industry?

In 2021, the global CRM market revenue was estimated to reach $64.5 billion. Given that the CRM market is growing at an annual growth rate of around 12.5%, it is expected to reach approximately $116.1 billion in revenue by 2026.

How much time does CRM save?

It is estimated that the entire process of CRM implementation can last between one week and one year, depending on the size of the business. Therefore, the implementation process may seem to be excessively time-consuming. However, in the end, it will prove to be a massive time-saver in the future of the business. About

113 Impressive CRM Stats  2023  Facts and Trends  - 72113 Impressive CRM Stats  2023  Facts and Trends  - 52113 Impressive CRM Stats  2023  Facts and Trends  - 33113 Impressive CRM Stats  2023  Facts and Trends  - 36113 Impressive CRM Stats  2023  Facts and Trends  - 50113 Impressive CRM Stats  2023  Facts and Trends  - 38113 Impressive CRM Stats  2023  Facts and Trends  - 81113 Impressive CRM Stats  2023  Facts and Trends  - 95