It can also increase brand awareness by conveying what your brand is about in just one catchy phrase. However, coming up with a unique business slogan and tagline for your business can be tricky. It’s pretty common for business owners to get stuck when doing so! If you’re struggling to come up with the right business tagline, some inspiration from other successful businesses could help you generate ideas that can truly resonate with your target audience. To help you find inspiration, in this article, we’ve compiled a list of over 180 business taglines and slogans. So take a look at the famous taglines of the world’s most recognized brands and get a few ideas of your own!

What is a Business Tagline?

A business tagline is a short phrase that sums up your business and provides a little bit of information about the products or services you provide. It’s typically used to distinguish your brand from others and explain what you do. It can be used in all kinds of marketing materials, from newspaper ads through email signatures to social media posts. A good tagline sets you apart from competitors, tempts potential customers, and maybe even convinces them to buy your product or service. But what makes a good tagline? The best taglines often include the following:

They’re simple They’re memorable They create an emotional connection with the customer They communicate company values or services

Tagline vs. Slogan

While people often confuse taglines and slogans, they are not the same thing. A tagline is a short phrase that communicates your brand’s core message. A tagline should be written to fit the brand and speak to customers’ needs. A good example of this is McDonald’s tagline: “I’m lovin’ it.” It speaks to the emotional aspect of eating their food while also communicating their new brand message. On the other hand, a slogan is a short phrase or series of words that advertises or promotes a product or company. Generally, slogans are used in marketing and advertising campaigns to differentiate one product from another and to build brand awareness for products and companies. For example, Wendy’s “Where’s the beef?” campaign was a slogan created in 1984 to call out other fast-food chains.

How Do You Write a Business Tagline?

Writing a business tagline is one of the core steps in naming your new venture. It’s a short but powerful phrase that helps customers understand what you do, who you are, and what you stand for. It’s also one of the most challenging texts to write: no pressure, but it’s got to be clear, concise, memorable, and engaging. But don’t worry! Here are a few tips to help you write an excellent business tagline.

Understand Your Business Goals

Before you sit down to write your catchy brand tagline, you need to have a solid understanding of your business and its goals so you can best represent them with your brand. Think about what makes your business unique and what it has to offer. When you know what makes your business tick, writing a good tagline becomes easier since it allows you to form a concrete vision of the future of your business.

Understand Your Audience

To write an effective slogan or tagline, you need to understand who will see it. The style, tone, and message of your tagline will vary based on who your target audience is. If you’re targeting millennials, for example, then a casual and conversational tone will be more effective than if you were trying to reach baby boomers who prefer something more formal. The more specific niche your audience is in, the better your chances are of hitting the mark with them.

Put Your Brainstorming Cap On

A good starting point to write your business tagline is brainstorming words that your ideal customer would use to describe your company’s products or services. With this in mind, it’s helpful to ask some of these questions:

Be Short and Simple

A good business tagline isn’t too complicated, but it needs to pack a punch. It has to grab attention immediately, so keep it short, simple, and easy to remember. The best business taglines are simple and to the point, making them easy for customers to remember. They also say something unique about a brand.

Turn to Tagline Generators

Tagline generators offer a second set of ideas for coming up with taglines. These are especially helpful if you’ve been struggling to come up with yours. You can find many effective taglines or slogan generators with a simple Google search.

How Do You Patent a Tagline?

Taglines and slogans can be trademarked if they are truly original and creative and have a meaning that goes beyond the literal one. What’s more, to be trademarked, a tagline or slogan must be specific to your company or product in a way that immediately brings this product or service to mind. Generic slogans or taglines are not eligible for trademark protection. Also, every country has different criteria requirements for trademarking business taglines. Make sure to find out what it looks like in the country where your business operates before making any assumptions.

Examples of Top Business Taglines 2023

Here is a list of the most memorable business taglines that helped shape the world’s most renowned brands.

Examples of Top Business Slogans 2023

Here are some of the top business slogans that stood the test of time and remain as relevant today as they were when they were first introduced.

Examples of Catchy Slogans 2023

If you’re looking for a catchy business slogan for your business, get inspired by these ideas.

Examples of Taglines Showing Brand Values 2023

A business tagline can reinforce the company name and reflect your brand values. Here are some examples of taglines that represent the company’s brand values.

Examples of Powerful Slogans 2023

It can be hard to come up with a great slogan off the top of your head, so we’ve assembled a list of powerful business slogans to get you inspired.

Tagline Ideas for Small Businesses 2023

The following tagline ideas will inspire you to come up with a memorable and impactful tagline for your business.

List of Power Words to Use in Your Tagline 2023

This list of power words for taglines and slogans will help you get started with the brainstorming process.

Improve Trust Immediately Discover Profit Learn Know Understand Powerful Best Win Hot Special More Bonus Now Today Results Protect Help Easy Amazing Latest Extraordinary How to Worst Ultimate Hot First Big Anniversary Premiere Basic Complete Save Plus! Create

Can a business have 2 taglines?

The answer is no. The company can only have one tagline. That’s because a tagline is a representation of the brand. However, it can have multiple slogans, especially when running different marketing campaigns.

Can a tagline be a quote?

Your tagline can be so memorable that people mistake it for a quote. But, you shouldn’t use an already famous quote as your tagline. Also, you shouldn’t put your tagline in quotes, as it would undermine its meaning.

How many words should a tagline be?

A tagline is a super short phrase. It generally shouldn’t exceed 7 or 8 words. This is why it’s important to use powerful words that precisely convey your message.

Do you put a period at the end of a tagline?

A period at the end of a tagline can look odd, but it can also add finality and decisiveness to the statement. If you decide to put a period at the end of your tagline, make sure it’s used every time.


The tagline or slogan of your business is probably one of the first things potential clients see. It can also be the last thing they remember when your service or product eventually comes to an end. We hope that this article inspires you to come up with a creative, witty, and memorable tagline or slogan for your business. Before you settle on a tagline, try brainstorming some ideas and choose the one that represents your business the most. Good luck! About

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