General Bing Stats 2023

Bing Search Stats 2023

Bing Demographics Statistics 2023

Bing Advertising Statistics 2023

Which country uses Bing the most?

Bing is most popular in the United States, with 85% of its activity being found there.

Bing is not even close to as popular as Google, only taking up 3% of the search engine market share whereas Google has 92.13%. However, Bing is still the second most popular search engine worldwide.

What is the most searched thing on Bing?

The three most searched things on Bing are, respectively, Facebook, YouTube, and Google. Interesting that one of the top searches is for another search engine.


Google may be the search engine behemoth, but it’s interesting to see that Bing is still a thriving and popular competition. Although it may never reach Google’s popularity, it still maintains a level of authority in this category. About

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