Its headquarters are in Redwood Shores, California.

General Oracle Stats and Facts 2023

Oracle Market Share Statistics 2023

Oracle Usage Statistics 2023

Oracle Employee Statistics 2023

Oracle Product Stats 2023

Oracle Database Security Statistics and Facts 2023

Oracle Revenue Statistics

Additional Oracle Stats

What percentage of Oracle does Ellison own?

Larry Ellison, 77, currently owns 36% of the company he helped co-found in 1977. He no longer helps run Oracle however, instead he serves as the company’s chairman and chief technology officer. He has a net worth of roughly $55.4 billion.

What percentage of the database market does Oracle hold?

Oracle’s object-relational database management system holds 15.61% of the database market. It is used by over 60,000 companies, most of which are either in the United States, India, or the United Kingdom.

What percentage of Oracle revenue comes from a database?

Oracle Cloud services and license support made up 72% of Oracle’s revenue in 2021. Their Cloud license made up 13%, their hardware made up 8%, and other Oracle services made up the other 7%.

What is the average salary of a software engineer at Oracle?

An Oracle Software Engineer can expect to make an average of $163,708 per year. The estimated base pay is roughly $126,000, with additional payments being made up of cash bonuses, commissions, tips, and profit sharing.


Oracle is smart and has been investing in the right areas since its inception. Their revenue has been increasing since 1980. While they have a lot of large competitors, they also know their niche of the market and certainly are not going anywhere anytime soon. Sources:

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