Let’s explore the SaaS stats below to discover how fast it grows.

SaaS Adoption Stats 2023

SaaS Churn Statistics 2023

SaaS Purchase and Usage Statistics

SaaS Customer Statistics

Regional SaaS Statistics

SaaS Category Statistics

SaaS Content Marketing Statistics 2023

SaaS Email Marketing Statistics 2023

SaaS Pricing Strategy Statistics 2023

SaaS Spending Statistics 2023

SaaS Sales and Marketing Statistics 2023

SaaS Growth Statistics

What is a good SaaS growth rate?

It depends on the size of the company. On average, a small SaaS company grows by 50% per year or more. The fastest-growing SaaS companies add more than 100% to their revenue year-to-year. However, large enterprises in the SaaS industry only increase their revenues by 25%-45% per year.

How many SaaS apps do companies use?

According to the latest SaaS statistics, companies’ number of SaaS apps has increased ten times in the last five years. These days, enterprises use 110 SaaS applications, on average. Nevertheless, employees tend to use different apps to enhance their working process without getting permission from their IT departments.

What is the cold-calling success rate?

Unfortunately, cold calling needs people to invest a large amount of time in user acquisition due to a low success rate. According to recent research, skilled managers can attract only one customer by making 50 calls, which is only a 2% success rate. Novices have less than a 1% rate of successful cold calls.


According to SaaS statistics, cloud-based service is a new trend that brings a lot of advantages to both end-users and businesses. Moreover, SaaS companies have experienced fast-paced growth that was stimulated by the pandemic. Additionally, most SaaS firms are expected to keep growing quickly in the future. About

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