Having played Goldeneye on the Nintendo 64 back in the day, I know how fun it is to play a game with your friends. Having played these great two player games on Android, I must say, these games capture the essence of local multiplayer really well. I would also recommend that you use a tablet for all of these games for optimal experience. I tried to play them on a smartphone, but the experience was a little cramped for my taste. My cousin brought over how Samsung Galaxy Note 12 tablet and the games really shined. Note: The best two player games on Android were tested on a Samsung Galaxy Note III. I played the games with different people and had a lot of fun. None of the games have any errors of bugs, but some have few annoying ads. Playing on a smartphone can be a little harder as two people need to touch the screen at a time. I highly recommend using a tablet to play these games. Some of the games need an active internet connection to work properly.

1. Drive Ahead!


Now that I have listed some of the best two player games on Android, I’m a little sad. I don’t have company over that often, and most of my friends are into multiplayer online games. The only people who actually love playing these games with me are little kids. I think these games can be a great addition to the best games for kids on Android as well. And if you value your device and can’t stand anyone touching it, you can also check out the best Bluetooth games for Android list. The game has simplistic controls that allow you to easily handle the vehicles. Usually, the rounds last a few seconds and the victor is declared. The game also has a lot of cars and trucks to use. From garbage trucks to Formula 1 racecars. There are multiple modes to play with your buddy as well. Free Version

2. Glow Hockey 2

For those who don’t know what air hockey is, there is a disc, or puck if you will, and two paddles; one for each player. The hockey field is actually a table complete with goal slots. Your aim is to push the puck into your opponent’s goal opening; that’s all there is to the game. Glow Hockey translates the excitement and skill of air hockey well to the touch screen. There are 2 table themes and bright glowing graphics. Free Version

3. Micro Battles 2

The controls are also similar in all the games, with one button helping you play the game on one device easily. The battles change on a day to day basis so you would want to check the game daily. This game can only work if you are a student or have some friends in office to play against. Free Version

4. Red Hands

I have fairly good reflexes, so usually the opponents get angry and start swinging really hard. So when they actually connect, I’m usually near the brink of tears. Thanks to Red Hands 2, you no longer have to endure the pain. The gameplay is simple, press a button to hit the hand if you are the attacker. The defender similarly has to press a button to dodge the incoming hand. However, I feel when the risk of actually getting hurt is lowered; the game loses some of its charm. Free Version What are your favorite games to play with buddies? Tell me in the comments. Featured Image Credits

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