Wi-Fi connections are more important than ever to keep your browsing habits affordable due to the rising cost of mobile data packages, and the evaporation of all but the most lavish of unlimited data plans. However, what happens when you just can’t seem to get your device to receive the magical signals from that little box in the corner? Never fear, here we will detail 6 ways to make sure you stay connected, fix a Wi-Fi connection problem, and keep that Wireless Fidelity oh so true and faithful.

Method 1: How to Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity by Power Cycling Your Modem/Router

Many electrical things in life are fixed with the use of the much-overlooked process of turning everything off and turning it back on again. It is, in fact, the first method we try when just about any electronic device starts to act up. Modems and routers were once commonly separate devices, but maybe you own a device that combines the two into one simple and convenient box. Doing an actual hard or soft reset of the modem and router can require reconfiguration of the devices as though they were brand new. To avoid this process (initially, at least) we use the method of unplugging the devices from their power sources and leaving them unplugged for 30 seconds or so before plugging them back in. This is what is known as “power cycling” your modem and router. Pay attention to the steps, as they must be executed in proper order for this to work.

Step 1: If You Have Separate Devices:

Unplug the modem first.Next, unplug the router.Wait for at least 30 seconds.Plug the modem back in, allow it to fire up, and connect to the internet. There should be lights on the device indicating when there is a connection.Plug the router back in and allow it to receive a signal from the modem and begin to broadcast again.Open up your Wi-Fi screen on your Android device and reconnect to your desired network.

Step 2: If You Have A Modem/Router Combination Device:

Unplug the modem/router device.Wait for at least 30 seconds.Plug the device back in and wait for the connections to reestablish and for the device to begin broadcasting a signal again.Open up your Wi-Fi screen on your Android device and reconnect to your desired network.

It should be noted with either of these methods that some routers and modems would have a dedicated power button. If you unplug these devices and then plug them back in but they do not come on instantly, look for the power button and be sure to power them back on. It may be time to try some other options if this method doesn’t work for you. If you’ve confirmed the problem isn’t occurring with a laptop/computer/other devices, then the Wi-Fi connection problem lies within the Android device itself. There are many situations and settings within your modem and router that can cause a bad connection.

Method 2: How to Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity by Turning It Off and Back On Within Your Device

The same logic that is applied in the first method applies in this method as well. Sometimes simply turning the Wi-Fi connection off on your device and turning it back on again will be enough to reset the connection and clear up any issues. Here is how to do this:

Step 1: Restart Connection in Setting Dashboard

If you have the Wi-Fi button conveniently located in your Settings Dashboard, toggle the button off and back on again.

Step 2: Restart Wi-Fi via Settings options

If you do not have access to this button through your Settings Dashboard, you can also access your Wi-Fi settings manually through the main “Settings” Screen. Go to Settings, select Networks and then toggle Wi-Fi on and Off just like above.

Method 3: How to Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issues by Telling Your Device to “Forget” Programmed Wireless Networks

Note: This method will only be helpful if this is a previously used connection. Your Android devices will remember certain settings within the networks you have used. This default setting can lead to problems when an update to software modifies something unexpected, or settings are otherwise changed.

Step 1: Go to Settings and select Networks

Step 2: Select “Wi-Fi”

This should bring up a list of any networks in range or any saved networks.

Step 3: Select Forget Network

Press and hold down on the network you would like to access, which should bring up the option to “Forget Network.”

Step 4: Reconnect to the Network

Select the desired network again, and you will need to reenter a password if one exists. (Note, many devices give the option to show the password as you’re are entering it. If you have already had trouble connecting, it never hurts to make sure you are entering the correct password. Smartphone keyboards are not always the most accurate or reliable.)

Method 4: How to Fix Wi-Fi Problems by Disabling Android “Wi-Fi Sleep” Settings

Many Android devices come programmed to try to save you some battery life wherever possible. These settings can be extremely helpful to some, but to others they can be a nuisance and affect the performance of the device. Many versions of the Android OS have a setting that will cause the Wi-Fi connection to go to “sleep” when the screen is turned off. Disabling this setting can help to maintain a more consistent connection. Here is how to disable the setting:

Step 1: Go To “Settings” and select Networks

Step 2: Select “Wi-Fi”

Step 3: Go to the menu and select Advanced Wi-Fi

Select the Menu button (the three vertical dots or the hot dog menu button if you prefer). Select “Advanced Wi-Fi.”

Step 4: Select Keep Wi-Fi On

Look for a setting such as “Keep Wi-Fi on when the screen is off” or “Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep.” Tap on it and select yes. At this point it may be helpful to turn your Wi-Fi off and back on again –Method Two – or “forget” the network and log in again – Method Three – to reboot the connection.

Method 5: How to Fix Wi-Fi Problems by Powering Down or Restarting Your Android Device

Restarting your device clears out the RAM and ends any processes that may be running in the background. Despite how easy it is to end many of these processes manually, many people will launch multiple applications and leave them running without even realizing it. Having too many applications running can cause the battery to drain and the device to move slowly and behave in strange ways. Any time your phone begins to act up, the first thing you should do is restart the device to see if that clears up the issue. This is a simple method yet one that is frequently overlooked. Call any customer support line and the first thing they will tell you to do is restart the phone or power down the device and power it back on again. Here is the simplest way to restart the phone:

Step 1: Tap Restart

Hold the power button down for a few seconds. A prompt will appear on the screen giving you the option to power down the device or restart it. (There may be a few other options as well depending on the device.)

Step 2: Select Yes

Many devices will prompt you to confirm your decision to restart the device. Select “Yes” or “OK.”

Step 3: Connect to the Network

Once the device has powered back up, turn on your Wi-Fi connection and try to connect to the network again. If a simple restart does not work, repeat the same steps only this time power down the device completely and leave it powered down for 30 seconds to a minute. Most flagship smartphones and Android tablets tend to have built-in batteries that are not meant to be removedIf you have a removable battery, it never hurts to take the battery out for a bit. By this point, you should have gotten your device to make a stable Wi-Fi connection. However, if you still find yourself having Wi-Fi connectivity issues, the Google Play Store is the next place you should turn.

Method 6: How to Fix Connectivity Issues with a Third-Party App

If you’ve tried every single method mentioned above and are still having issues, it might be time to let a robot look at the inside of your device. Well not actually, but there are a few apps on the Google Play Store that may be able to cure you of your Wi-Fi connectivity woes. The one we’re going to show you is called “WiFi Fixer”. It is a free and open-source application, and as an added bonus there are no advertisements. A hard thing to find in any free app these days.

Step 1: Open the App

There are three main screens in the app labeled as “Status,” “Known,” and “Local.” “Status” will show you how well your current connection is performing. “Known” is simply a list of your saved networks. “Local” is a list of all the connections within the range of your device. It will indicate which networks are open and which will require a password.

Step 2: Find Information about You Network

If you would like more information on how to use the Wifi Fixer app, click on the menu button on the top right. Then select the “Help” option and then “Read First”. This app runs in the background and troubleshoots your connections for you. There is little to no work required by most users to get a working connection. For more Android apps to strengthen and fine-tune your Wi-Fi connection, check out this article.

Fix Your Wi-Fi Connection – Browse Freely

Hopefully, one of the six methods detailed above helped you to solve your Wi-Fi connectivity issues on your Android device. If all else fails, there is always the option to factory reset your device. It’s not the sexiest choice around, but sometimes it is the best way to get your device to run like new. Just make sure you back up everything up before you do! Questions, comments, tips, tricks, and just about anything else? Leave them below! Featured Image

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